Arab Network for Environment and Development

RAED presents her experience in building partnerships before the Forum of Arab Organizations for Sustainable Development

RAED presents her experience in building partnerships before the Forum of Arab Organizations for Sustainable Development

The Arab Network for Environment and Development “Raed” presented its experience in building partnerships with various governmental and non-governmental sectors in many Arab countries, before the Forum of Arab Associations and Organizations Concerned with the Environment and Sustainable Development, which was organized virtually last week, organized by the Environment Center for Arab Cities, in cooperation with The Gulf Network of Community Environmental Associations, Dubai Municipality, and the Arab Cities Organization.

“Raed” participated in this regional forum with a distinguished presence, as the general coordinator of the network, Dr. Imad El-Din Adly, gave a presentation entitled “Partnerships and Networking as a Path to Achieving Sustainable Development,” in which he talked about successful partnerships and their role in achieving sustainable development, and the role of the “Raed” Network. In the mechanism for supporting and building partnerships, he reviewed models of initiatives to form and build partnerships, emphasizing the role of partnerships and networks in exchanging experiences between the various governmental, private and civil sectors, and maximizing the roles between all beneficiaries and concerned parties, in order to present different visions that contribute to achieving sustainable development goals.

General Coordinator “Raed” also spoke about the role of the Arab Network for Environment and Development in activating networking mechanisms, with the aim of achieving the sustainable development goals, pointing to the networking mechanism for civil society organizations interested in water and environmental issues in the Mediterranean region, known as “BlueGreen”, in cooperation with the Union of Average order.

“Adly” also discussed cooperation with the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction, as he stressed that “Raed” seeks to activate networking mechanisms and form partnerships, through chairing the Regional Advisory Group in the countries of North Africa and West Asia, which is affiliated with the Global Network for Disaster Risk Reduction. “Raed” also represents the North Africa and West Asia region on the International Council of the Global Network for Disaster Reduction, in addition to the Arab Network for National Forums for Sustainable Development.

The Kuwait Society for Environmental Protection participated in the forum with a working paper presented by Jinan Behzad, Secretary-General of the Society, on “Achieving the Goals of Sustainable Development and Environmental Citizenship through Developing Joint Programs,” in which she stressed the importance of raising the level of environmental knowledge and culture, and improving daily environmental behavior, in a way that enhances health. The environment and its protection, as well as enhancing the role of laws and legislation, upon which citizens rely in knowing their rights and duties.

She called on the Secretary-General of the Kuwait Society for Environmental Protection to prioritize environmental issues within sustainable development plans, in addition to emphasizing the involvement of all entities and organizations working in the governmental and private sectors, to raise the level of institutional environmental work.

Engineer Saadia Falih Hassoun, President of the “Together for the Protection of Humanity and the Environment” Association, a member of the Arab Network for Environment and Development, presented a working paper entitled “How to Integrate the Concept of Sustainability into Education,” in which she presented the association’s efforts in the field of including sustainable development thought in school curricula.

Dr. Yasser Baazab, President of the “Ebdaa Foundation for Sustainable Development” and a “Raed” member, also gave a presentation on the Foundation’s efforts in the field of environment and sustainable development in the Republic of Yemen, while the Jordanian Environment Society gave a presentation on its activities in the field of environment and sustainable development in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.