Arab Network for Environment and Development

RAED Monitors the Implementation Activities of the Seed Bank Project in Aswan

RAED Monitors the Implementation Activities of the Seed Bank Project in Aswan

Seed sorting in seed banks is a fundamental step in preserving plant diversity and ensuring future seed quality. The objective of this process is to select high-quality seeds capable of germination and healthy growth. The seed sorting process involves several stages:

  1. Classification by Size and Shape
    Seeds are classified according to their size and shape to identify healthy and suitable ones for cultivation. This stage typically involves the use of sieves or specialized equipment for sorting.
  2. Quality Verification
    Seeds undergo inspection to check for defects or diseases that may affect their germination capability. This stage may include visual assessments or other testing methods.
  3. Removal of Defective Seeds
    Broken, damaged or non-viable seeds are removed to ensure that only high-quality seeds are preserved. This step enhances the likelihood of successful growth and development.
  4. Storage
    After sorting, seeds are stored in an environment optimized to maintain their quality. This includes controlled temperature and humidity levels, with seeds kept in sealed containers to prevent degradation.
  5. Laboratory Testing
    In some cases, laboratory tests are conducted to measure the germination potential of sorted seeds. These tests help determine the quality of each batch of seeds.

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