Arab Network for Environment and Development

Views from the front line 2009

Views from the front line 2009

The VFL project aimed to collect data and information about areas at risk of disasters in Arab countries by conducting a questionnaire prepared by the Global Network for Disaster Reduction on the role of local governments in reducing the effects of disasters and how to cope with them. Raed was chosen as the regional coordinator of the Global Network for Disaster Reduction in the Middle East and North Africa region. Raed selected the national coordination organizations in the countries in which the questionnaire was conducted and assumed the task of coordination in each country, collecting questionnaire data from information sources, and preparing a country-specific report. The combined report was presented at the launch of the project in May 2011.


Overall goal


Collecting data and information about areas at risk of disasters in Arab countries by conducting a questionnaire designed and implemented by the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Risk Reduction on the role of local governments in reducing the effects of disasters and how to confront them, and providing a global overview of progress in work at the local level to reduce disaster risks more broadly. This is done through cooperation between civil society actors, government agencies and local communities.


Brief description of the project


Every day the severity of natural disasters increases, and the number of people affected by them increases throughout the world and in developing countries in particular. Those most affected by them are residents of the most fragile areas, and this increase in the numbers of those exposed to the risk of disasters does not only include major disasters that make the headlines, but also includes disasters that occur at the local level and that are not paid attention to and therefore do not attract the attention of the government.

Implementation site

Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt



Global Network for Civil Society Disaster Reduction GNDR

Duration of the project

It was started in 2009 and completed in 2013

Project results


A preliminary analysis of the survey data was conducted, and a program of consultations was held with local stakeholders to discuss the survey results in the local context. Discussions were also designed to highlight the main challenges and constraints encountered by local authorities, identify drivers for success and agree recommendations to accelerate progress at the local level. These findings, analyzes and recommendations are then presented in national progress reports that form the basis for promoting coordinated policy and gaining support for actions to accelerate domestic progress.