Arab Network for Environment and Development

SWIM and Horizon 2020

SWIM and Horizon 2020

“Raed” participates through its membership in the coalition that manages and implements the Integrated and Sustainable Water Management Project and the Horizons 2020 Initiative (SWIM and Horizon 2020), which is a regional project funded by the European Commission that aims to contribute to reducing marine pollution and the permanent use of scarce water sources in North African countries. And the Middle East.

This project complements and integrates the two previous service contracts – the Horizon 2020 Capacity Building Initiative and the Mediterranean Environment Program (H2020 CB/MEP) for the years (2009-2014) funded by the European Union with the project “Support Mechanism for Sustainable and Integrated Water Management” for the years (SWIM SM). (2010-2015).

“Raed” is acting as a primary partner in the union implementing the project in agreement with a number of experts from some Arab and Mediterranean countries to facilitate and activate the project’s work in a number of areas served by the project.


Overall goal



Contributing to reducing marine pollution and permanent use of scarce water sources in North African and Middle Eastern countries




Brief description of the project



Providing detailed and targeted support to authorities and stakeholders from partner countries to address the reduction of industrial emissions, municipal waste and urban wastewater in the Mediterranean region and ensure the sustainable use of water resources. This project will also help countries effectively implement their obligations, specifically those obligations related to the Barcelona Convention Protocols and National Action Plans. Furthermore, the project will consolidate synergies and build on lessons learned from Sustainable and Integrated Water Management (SWIM Demo) pilot projects.Through application, the project will encourage sharing processes between ministries, sectors and stakeholders’ work methodologies to reduce the impact of individual action, facilitate sustainable development at the country level and create enabling conditions to accelerate best practices at the national level towards the regional context.

“Raed” – as one of the coalition partners for the project – for its part coordinates among its members in the Arab Mediterranean countries in order to enhance the implementation of the project’s activities in their respective countries, as well as their participation in the various activities of the project. It also works to provide non-core experts for the project.


Implementation site

Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, the Kingdom of Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia


Company of Engineers and Planners – (LDK) Greece, Arab Water Utilities Association– (ACWUA) Jordan, Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED) Egypt, Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+) Belgium, Catalan Waste Agency (SCP/RAC) ) Spain, (EEIG UT-SEMIDE)France, Global One Ltd. Greece, Ltd. (Royal Haskoning DHV)- Netherlands, Belgian Joint Stock Company, Mediterranean Information Office for the Environment (MIO-ECSDE)Greece, Milio Ltd. Belgium, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece, (Umweltbundesamt GmBH)Austria, WS Atkins International Limited, United Kingdom.


European Commission

Duration of the project

The project began in 2016 and ended in 2019


Project results


Workshops were implemented to build the capacities of civil society organizations in the areas served by the project.