Arab Network for Environment and Development

“Odyssey” project to develop and deploy integrated monitoring systems in the Mediterranean

“Odyssey” project to develop and deploy integrated monitoring systems in the Mediterranean

“Raed” participates through its membership in the consortium that manages and implements the Odyssey project (ODYSSEA) in Egypt, which is funded by the European Commission. Which is a network that aims to create, manage and install an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of monitoring and sensing systems across the Mediterranean basin, dealing with both the open sea and the coastal area.

Odyssey Facebook page: ODYSSEA-Egypt


Overall goal


Facilitating access to Mediterranean marine data tailored to meet the needs of multiple end-users in the maritime sector


Brief description of the project


The Odyssey platform will collect its data from several databases maintained by Mediterranean agencies, public authorities and institutions from EU and non-EU countries, integrating existing Earth observation facilities and networks in the Mediterranean into key initiatives such as Copernicus and the Global Earth Observing System. systems, the Global Ocean Observing System, and other marine and navigational links. Through Odyssey’s end-user-focused approach, different groups of end-users and stakeholders from within and outside the consortium will be involved from day one of the project in the design, development and operation of the platform, including identifying gaps in data collection and accessibility.

High priority gaps will be filled through multiple approaches including developing a network of coastal observatories, deploying new in situ sensors at sea (e.g. microsensors), marine science modeling, and integrating existing mobile applications for citizen scientist networks. Applying advanced algorithms to organize, harmonize and merge large amounts of data in common standard type and format as well as other types of formats, the Odyssey platform will also provide both raw data and on-demand derived data services, including forecasts, from all Mediterranean countries through a public portal. One to various end-user groups and stakeholders. End-user requirements will drive the creation of secondary datasets that the platform will provide as new, packaged services that match users’ specialized information needs. It will also improve access to existing data as well as increase the temporal and geographical coverage of monitoring data in the Mediterranean.

Implementation site

The project is being implemented in 14 countries, all of which overlook the Mediterranean Sea, and is being implemented in Egypt in Abu Qir Bay.


28 partners from 14 countries (6 non-EU countries)


European Commission

Duration of the project

The project began on June 1, 2017 and will be completed on November 30, 2021