Arab Network for Environment and Development

Empowering Regional Civil Society Networks (ENTIRE) project

Empowering Regional Civil Society Networks (ENTIRE) project

(RAED) participated in implementing the program to enable regional civil society networks to play an active role in achieving integrated management of water resources in the southern Mediterranean region (ENTIRE), which continues for two years and is funded by a group of countries and bodies that are not members of the European Union, with the aim of strengthening the role of Civil society organizations in integrated water resources management in the Southern Mediterranean Region (SMR) in Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Egypt and Morocco.The project is implemented in partnership between the Collective Leadership Institute, CLI, the Arab Water Utilities Association, ACWUA, the Arab Network for Environment and Development, RAED, and the German Water Partnership, GWP.The project was launched by holding a training course in Jordan on February 9, 2014, and several activities will be implemented by the project, including training selected members of ACWUA and RAED on stakeholder dialogue methodology in water resources management. Within the framework of this project, an initial evaluation study was conducted for a number of members of the Arab Water Utilities Association (ACWA) and the Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED). This study aims to evaluate the level of knowledge and application among the various members in the field of dialogue between stakeholders in water resources management. In addition, water-related topics will be prioritized to address during the project. “RAED” prepares the project’s periodic bulletin.


Overall goal


The project aims to strengthen the role of civil society organizations in reforms, democratic changes and sustainable development of the water sector in the southern Mediterranean region.


Brief description of the project


The project seeks to develop, implement and establish participatory mechanisms to fully connect stakeholders in a fruitful dialogue. The project supports the southern Mediterranean countries with a proven methodology and tools to engage all key stakeholders involved in integrated water reforms, by strengthening the partner’s institutional capacity as a coordination between associations in the water sector, and improving Multi-stakeholder discussions on IWRM in the southern Mediterranean region, also by promoting exchange best practices on IWRM of cooperative institutions and key relevant actors, enabling networks of civil society organizations to implement and monitor stakeholder dialogue processes and adopt training modules To keep building their capacity, and to ensure continuous learning and dissemination of integrated water management concepts to a wider audience, they established a web-based support platform.

Implementation site

Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Egypt and Morocco.


Collective Leadership Institute CLI, Arab Water Utilities Association ACWUA, German Water Partnership GWP


Duration of the project

It started in 2013 and ended in 2015


Project results


Implementing 4 training sessions on “Dialogue with Stakeholders in the Field of Integrated Water Management,” attended by more than 90 representatives of civil society and water utilities in the targeted countries.

Distinguished participants in the training were also trained as “training of trainers” to be an effective force for disseminating the concepts of dialogue and creating platforms in their countries.