Arab Network for Environment and Development

Displacement resulting from climate change

Displacement resulting from climate change

Raed, in cooperation with the Norwegian Refugee Council, launched a project that seeks to identify needs and opportunities to create a state of integration in implementing policies related to disaster risk reduction and internally displaced persons, in order to reduce vulnerabilities that increase the impact of natural hazards, in addition to introducing participants to the necessary tools and indicators. To assess internally displaced persons, as well as prepare key national messages and inputs to formulate an expected post-2015 framework called Hugo 2, by selecting two hotspot areas in Egypt and Sudan to implement the following activities:

Preparing studies on displacement due to disasters and assessing vulnerabilities in two hot spots in each country.

– Develop implementation plans for disaster risk reduction measures in selected hotspot areas for affected populations.

– Organizing public awareness workshops and seminars to disseminate basic messages to reduce risks to various types of target audiences (children, youth, women, poor and marginalized groups)

– Organizing capacity development and policy dialogue workshops for participants from government officials and community organizations (3 sessions in each country)

– Organizing a media campaign. This campaign targets media groups to provide them with all general scientific information about aspects of risk and vulnerability (fragility), acquaint them with specific information about the work required in the two selected regions, and distribute roles and responsibilities among the various stakeholders.

The project aims to build a local and national partnership between governmental and non-governmental organizations and thus strengthen the policy of responding to displacement resulting from climate change, with the aim of:

– A political and legal assessment of displacement resulting from climate change and natural disasters.

– Strengthening national capabilities by increasing the resilience of local communities and developing the capabilities of other stakeholders.

– Developing knowledge management tools


Overall goal



Conducting a scientific study to monitor the phenomenon of displacement (internal migration) resulting from natural disasters and climate change and their impact, through which it seeks to build the capabilities of local communities in the areas where the study was implemented.




Brief description of the project


A study of existing and new policies related to displacement resulting from disasters, in terms of levels of preparedness, response, prevention measures, and ensuring the provision of sustainable solutions for displaced people. And analyze the possibility of implementing policy alternatives through coordination between local authorities and civil society organizations. Also ensuring the participation of stakeholders in policy development through the participation of academics, the media, civil society organizations, local authorities, and the relevant United Nations organization, in addition to other international organizations. And developing cognitive tools to provide safer living areas in the selected countries.

Implementation site

Sugar beet region (graduate project) – Arab Republic of Egypt.



Norwegian Refugee Council NRC

Duration of the project

The project began in 2013 and is still ongoing.


Project results


The National Advisory Committee for the project, whose membership includes representatives of all ministries concerned with this issue, has succeeded in achieving many achievements and contributing in a practical way to amending policies and finding alternative solutions in a documented manner. The work of this committee continues to this day.