Building the Capabilities of Local Arab Communities to Confront the Problem of Climate Change
This project aimed to spread awareness, culture, and mechanisms for confronting the problem of climate change in ten Arab countries and activate our confrontation with the problem of climate change. Civil society organizations members of RAED from ten Arab countries, namely Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Bahrain, and Syria, participated in this project. Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz, former head of the General Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and former head of the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for Environmental Affairs, during which a national civil society committee was formed in each of the ten countries to confront climate change. These committees included activists in the fields related to climate change. Representatives of the Ministry of Environment and all other ministries concerned with the issue were invited to coordinate and consolidate the partnership between the governmental and non-governmental sectors in each country. These joint committees have developed a national strategy for the studies and research required to be carried out by civil society in their respective countries to confront the problem of climate change. Several workshops were also implemented:
The first was in Jordan in March 2009. The second was in Lebanon in April 2009.
The second in Lebanon, April 2009.
The third in the Kingdom of Morocco in May 2009 in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Turki bin Nasser bin Abdulaziz.
The last one was in Cairo from October 31 to November 1, 2009.
Overall goal
Mitigating the phenomenon of climate change in the Arab world and adapting to it. This is done by supporting the partnership between the governmental and non-governmental sectors in the Arab countries, creating mechanisms to consolidate local dialogue in each country between the various sectors of society, working to build capabilities in a sound scientific manner for all elements of local communities in the Arab countries, and contributing to the development and application of models for adapting to threats. expected as a result of the problem of climate change.
Brief description of the project
Building the capabilities of civil societies by raising awareness of the seriousness of the phenomenon of climate change and its current and future possibilities in all Arab countries and how to confront this phenomenon by developing a national strategy for civil society, each in its country, to confront the problem of climate change.
Implementation site
Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt
Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt
Duration of the project
The General Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Project results
Committees were held in each country of the project, and each committee developed a strategy for civil society in its country. Hot spots threatened by this phenomenon were identified, as well as a report on the needs of each country, and the field activities included in the strategy to confront the phenomenon of climate change were determined according to the needs of each country.